Тастағы тарих: Жылқыны қолға үйреткен кім?
![Бұл - мен, осыдан 5500 жыл бұрын Ұлы Далада туып-өскен нағыз Ер жігіт - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #1 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin](https://d2i91c2tzvj86d.cloudfront.net/f7bfc21f-4a1b-498b-bbca-8f5187b91861_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Бұл - мен, осыдан 5500 жыл бұрын Ұлы Далада туып-өскен нағыз Ер жігіт - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #1 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin
![Ол заманда жылқы - жабайы тарпаң болатын - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #2 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin](https://d2i91c2tzvj86d.cloudfront.net/68c153e8-8499-4f50-8547-a03853eb1358_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Ол заманда жылқы - жабайы тарпаң болатын - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #2 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin
![Ұстап алып, алдыңғы, артқы аяқтарын тұсап қойдым - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #3 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin](https://d2i91c2tzvj86d.cloudfront.net/0b9d1124-295f-4e14-bb8e-b4aeb8ee4efb_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Ұстап алып, алдыңғы, артқы аяқтарын тұсап қойдым - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #3 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin
![Содан соң өре салып, жайылымға жібердім - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #4 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin](https://d2i91c2tzvj86d.cloudfront.net/ef5a216d-baa5-450c-95f0-47a7e484b78e_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Содан соң өре салып, жайылымға жібердім - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #4 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin
![Әбден үйретіп, ерттеп мініп алдым - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #5 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin](https://d2i91c2tzvj86d.cloudfront.net/30aa5ae6-be69-4ea3-84cb-2e4ff9488dfe_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Әбден үйретіп, ерттеп мініп алдым - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #5 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin
![Қосарымен арбаға жектім - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #6 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin](https://d2i91c2tzvj86d.cloudfront.net/9406d765-0766-4b76-a1c3-6d6aacaddef7_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Қосарымен арбаға жектім - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #6 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin
![Шапқылап жүріп кеттім... ( M.Мағауиннің "Шыңғыстау петроглифтері" кітабынан алынды. Суреттерді түсірген – аутор. ) - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #7 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin](https://d2i91c2tzvj86d.cloudfront.net/78829a9e-d798-4105-9529-9087a92b01e7_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Шапқылап жүріп кеттім... ( M.Мағауиннің "Шыңғыстау петроглифтері" кітабынан алынды. Суреттерді түсірген – аутор. ) - Kazakhstan – Ancient petroglyphs that suggest domestication of horses on territory of Northern Kazakhstan, photo #7 from "Shynghystaw Petroglyphs" by Mukhtar Magauin